
Thursday, November 24, 2016


 Hello my name is Maddison and in my class (Kauri) we were doing comic on what you should do if you see something on your chromebook that is inappropriate. By Maddison and Nikita

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Hi I am Maddison-Judith, and this is my visual Mih. on it I have the scotland flag,  because I am harf scottish.I also have the New Zealand flag, because NZ, is my home. I have got Mt Cook, because that is my mountain. I also have Waimakariri, because that is my river.In the bottem rigth couner(were the drawin of the  waimakarir is )   there is me reading my Mihi hope you injoy


Hi I am Maddison-Judith, and this is my visual Mih. on it I have the scotland flag,  because I am harf scottish.I also have the New Zealand flag, because NZ, is my home. I have got Mt Cook, because that is my mountain. I also have Waimakariri, because that is my river.In the bottem rigth couner(were the drawin of the  waimakarir is )   there is me reading my Mihi hope you injoy

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Hi my name is Maddison and in Kauri class we have been learning about recounts and mine is about WillowBank

On wednesday Mum Cp my Sister Lesher and I went to willowbank because wanted to go somewhere really fun we weant and feed animals.

First we went to feed the eels they were tame so we could pat them.They felt like fart putty and very slimey. Mum was to scared to touch them “and to be honest I was to at the start” but then Cp told me that they were tame.They also jump up on the wood  (the thing that you site on) and try to get food.

After that we went to see Samantha the horse she felt like a soft as a cloud.She gave me a lick on the check there was a mettle car that Lesher went one while I read about Samantha. But sadly we couldn't feed her because she had hay but I feed her a wee bite anyway.
Samther was white with brown patches when. I read about her it said that her name was Samantha and that she was a racehorse.

While we had lunch and ice blocks we saw the lambs and goats first  we saw the lames they felt like a blanket at midnight we diddient  get to feed them.One of the lames had a blue doot one there head  one of them was running around lose a lot of little kids were chacing it .The goats. We were aloud to feed the goats you hold the food in your hand and they lick it out of your hand and it tickled. Some of them had really big horns they looked really sharp others had really small one`s and they looked like they would feel not that soft but not that pointy so in the middle.The big one`s tried to push the little ones out of the way so they could get more food. One of them licked Lesher face and she said it tickled.

When Lesher and I were milking a fake cow Mum and CP were looking at the pigs and could us over they said come look at the pigs. The pigs were rolling around and eating our food it said on a sign that they love getting scratched behind the ear the were black.

Thursday, September 22, 2016
this is the inkk for my story bird 2 it is about friendship and you can never stop loving family


fun day:we went to mount hut and went skiing it was year 4 to year 8 and this is some photos of me i am in the purple jacket there is also Mia Nikita and Abby
this is my link of my story bird it is could the  man with no name

electricity journal

hi my name is maddison and this is my electricity journal and my since
this is my skellig book number 1 it was a cool and good book and this is number 2 number 2
HI this is a link of  my 2016 speech and my topic was stop killing tigers

Saturday, September 10, 2016

"Hello this is one of the candy land shops in candy land. Candy land is a very fun place there is no sadness. Everyone is friends with everyone oh my name is Lilly and where was i that`s right you can eat everything  but i need your help."

this is candy land before and now


Can you help us if you can you need to go to the wizards house  and make a potion FYI  the wizard is making candy land a sad place and not a happy place. This is your potion 
cloth of a fly a tail of a mermaid a grass brown spider leg and the leaf of a dragon fruit now pleas go Ruth get them run before it is to late

That is the wizard and his cat all the stuff you need well be up there you need to go to the top room now go hurry

Oh know said Ruth "the wizard is coming there`s no where to hide"
 ... the wizard is coming ah
"Now  Polly said the wizard" "my name is Lilly" well Lilly Polly same thing now you need to make a pick your friend or candy land said the wizard I PICK BOTH!!!!! said Lilly 

run come on lets go get that wizard we can do it 

come on lets go

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

This is my Digi Awards for 2016.Are topic was be the change.
Digi Awards means you have to something on are chromebook my group was Abby and Nikita and I

Monday, August 8, 2016

Name Rosie

1. Rosie is a splodge
Sleeping everywhere

2. she is a black linting blot zooming everywhere I  look

3. Rosie  is a happy seal bouncing a bloonin

4. she is a amazing soccer player planing with me all the time
5. Rosie is a great listener letting me read her a lot of books  

6. she is a grad dog if someone knocked on the door she is off  and away

7. she is a very annoying dog not letting out of the house
Rosie is the best dog friend I could ask for
By Maddison-Judith

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

This is how i am
as you know I LOVE ANIMALS!!!!