
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

This is my Digi Awards for 2016.Are topic was be the change.
Digi Awards means you have to something on are chromebook my group was Abby and Nikita and I

Monday, August 8, 2016

Name Rosie

1. Rosie is a splodge
Sleeping everywhere

2. she is a black linting blot zooming everywhere I  look

3. Rosie  is a happy seal bouncing a bloonin

4. she is a amazing soccer player planing with me all the time
5. Rosie is a great listener letting me read her a lot of books  

6. she is a grad dog if someone knocked on the door she is off  and away

7. she is a very annoying dog not letting out of the house
Rosie is the best dog friend I could ask for
By Maddison-Judith

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

This is how i am
as you know I LOVE ANIMALS!!!!