
Friday, May 25, 2018

The First Hippo On The Moon ( Hooked on books week )

Hello everyone , as you probably know my name is Maddison I am a year six and  I go to Yaldhurst Model School. This week in Rimu class we  had a hooked on books week so that is were once every term we have a hooked on books week so the school gets one new book everyday and then we put them in are school library and we write are name on a list to read the rest of the book. on thursday we had to figure out what the book was called and we could do it in pairs, I worked in a pair with my best friend abby. then we had to make so activities about the book I did three.  I think this has worked well because now I know some really good authors and illustrators, I also find it exiting on not knowing what we are going to read next.  with this slide that i made about the first hippo on the moon I really found making the space buggy hard I still didn't get the seet how I wanted it to but I still think I did a good job. My next steps are going to be to not always use shapes but use lines more lo make it look better but I still had lots of fun making it and writing about each thing. 

 PRESENTS. this is the first present that we got, Rimu class was super excited that we got a present  in are classroom, it the box there was a book it was called the honest truth here's a link to a picture of it LINK .

  MORE PRESENTS. this one we did a pass a pestle, me and my friend were both holding it at the same time so we opened it together. on my class blog there is a blog post about it come check it out and you can find out more. LINK 

  when we did the hippo on the moon, we had to make one page of the book between each other I was with Abby here's a link to her blog LINK this is me are Ironing for are fabric book. I thought I was going to burn the fabric and burn down the whole classroom ( but I didn't )

 this is one of my teachers Miss Taylor, my other teacher is Miss Spragg, in this photo she is reading hickory dickory dash. wich over 1 million schools were reading at the same time as us, I thought that was really cool, the schools were in New Zealand and Australia 

Friday, May 18, 2018

How To Subtract Thousands

 thank you for coming on my blog and watching this blog post hope you enjoyed. Kind Regards Maddison From Yaldhurst Model School

Friday, May 11, 2018

The PuppyCorn

The Puppycorn

The Puppycorn or the mighty puppycorn is a very rare animal.
No one knows where they can originally be found but rumors have been going around that they seem to live in  New Zealand, the way the soon to be owner can find a puppycorn is well the soon to be owner can't the puppycorn comes to the soon to be owner if the person are kind, happy, and weird. They are attracted to Weirdness, Kindness, and Happiness.
The first person to discover they puppycorn is  Maddison - Judith Leslie she is a lover of dogs and unicorns and also likes  wolfs. Maddisons puppycorn name is Uni she is seven going on eight.

The Appearance Of The Mighty Puppycorn

the puppycorn has three sparkles on its forehead two blue one pink. The eyes of a puppycorn has a very thick outline around it eye color purple or blue, if the owner dose get a puppycorn with blue eyes it means the puppycorn is much rarer than the ones with the purple eyes.
The head of a puppycorn is a light shade of white and  usually perfectly round and it has a horn on the top of its head, this horn can be any color, It will most likely be rainbow or pink.
The Mouth looks more like a puppy's mouth same with the nose, the nose has a shape of an upside down love heart the mouth always looks like the puppycorn is  smiling.
The hair of the puppycorn is the colors of the rainbow going down until just touching the body.
The body tail and legs of a puppycorn are all white the tail looks like a puppy's tail and wags like a puppy to. But if you get your puppycorn to excited the tail can fall of but don't worry it will grow back in one to two weeks.The puppy corns legs are just like dogs legs there's four but the don't walk they frolic.

The puppy corns diet is pretty simple, the puppycorn will only eat sweet and salty food the puppycorn will not eat meats vegetables or any fruits. Its favorites are pretzels and chocolate ice cream.
The puppycorn drinks milk mostly flavored milk the puppy corns favorite flavor is banana and caramel.
It gets this food either by it owner or if its wild it uses it horn it does this buy bowing its head the the horn lights up like an led light then the food aperes.

The hadith of the puppycorn are that it loves to roll around in ice cream and makes a huge mess and it doesnt like it when people touch it's sparkles on the to of its head if the owner dose so the puppycorn will turn red and the the only way to make it happy is to give it five pretzels or one ice cream cone with one scoop of Ice cream.

This animal can be summed up in one word majestic simply majestic.
But there is one more thing the reader has to know its that the puppycorns enemy is the kittegasus also known as the kitty pegasus. keep the puppycorn away from the kittegasus  at all times if the puppycorn does come in contact with the kittegasus  split them up emedalty.


Thank you for coming on my blog and I hope you enjoyed.
In Rimu class at YMS we have been learning about non chronological or non chron reports.
I have learnt that chronological means not in time order and it is a fun way to wright. I found writhing like this very difficult at the start then I got a more of an understanding and I think I have improved a lot since when I first started.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

World War 1

World War 1
By Maddison

The world war one otherwise known as WW1 started on the 28th of july 1914 and ended on the 11th november 1918 it went on for 4 years and the countries that fought in the war are Britain, France, Russia, italy, and the United States. These countries fought against the Central Powers which included Germany, Austria- Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.

The fighting of the war took place in most of the countries of Europe. The actual fighting was on many different fronts the Western Front was where most of the fighting between Germany and the allies happened.New Zealand went to war because the britain declared that there was going to be a war in 1914 New Zealand never had a choice but to follow, New Zealand was a dominion of Britain when WW1 started, and though it governed itself internally, its foreign policy was run out of london and the rest of the British Empire.

The cause of ww1 was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo on the 28th of june 1914. The war ended when Germany had formally surrendered on November 11, 1918 and all nations had agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were negotiated. On June 28 1919 Germany and the Allied Nations signed the Treaty of Versailles formally ending the war.
Please comment down below some feedback. Thank you so much Maddison

Friday, May 4, 2018

On Star Wars Dress Up Day

on star wars dress up day I dressed up as the light side and my friend azzy aka abby was the dark side. At Maths time instead of doing the gropes we made figures from star wars it was super fun here are some photos.

this was my star wars figure I named him fail. 

I am the one in the white and my friend is in the black.

please tell me some feedback in the comments below thank you!

Maddie 😃.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

My Friends

My best friends names are Nikita, Abby, Mia, Jedi and my dog Rosie.

 The first on the rigth is Mia the second on the rigth is Nikita The third is me and the first on the left is Abby.

this is Nikita Mia and I .

 This one is of my dog Rosie .

 this is of Jedi Nikita and I 

THank you for reading this blog post . Thank you for going on my blog please leave  some feedback in the comments.
 Thank you again Maddie