Kia Ora Bloggers!
In Rimu we have been reading the Ice Palace and we finally got to the end, It was a very twisted ending and I would really recommend the book. Everyone sat down and listened to the book, then we had to write our own paragraph about what you think is going to happen.
This is the sentence starter:
Ivan Clapped a hand to his mouth stifling a cry he was looking at.
This is my paragraph to end the story.
Ivan Clapped a hand to his mouth stifling a cry he was
looking at ….. Something colder than winter, colder than Ivans
land, something colder than Starjiks heat. Horrified a thousand lifeless
eyes glaring at him almost like they were begging Ivan to help, to help
them get away from the child taker. Tears sprang to his eyes like winter
to spring running down his cold red cheeks, Suddenly a frail boney stiff hand
latched onto his pocket yanking his diamond tears from his pocket that the
old women gave to him on his way Ivan was confused as Starjik glared into his
hand with his eyes bulging from his head, Ivan started to feel sick , his head
spinning and stomach-turning ” NOOOOOO “ his tears gone the only hope left to
save his brother but worried on what Starjik would do next he slowly
backed away but as fast as light itself Starjik held his hand tightly and
pulled it into him he made a fist and shoved Ivan onto the ground, as cold
as the crisp air tears sprung into his eyes sliding down his cheek and falling
to the ground, the rough ground tearing at his flesh and ripping it away, but Ivan
needs his brother to be safe needs him to stay alive and needs him to be free,
free from this nightmare.
Ivan starts to lose hope, he cannot save his brother no matter how
hard he will try no matter what. Terrified and hopeless Ivan starts to
cry knowing that he won't see him again never ever again we'll never
see him free. The swift tears swivel down his cheek and make a clink
on the ground. But that sound that one clink gave Ivan all of his hope back
he has tears the tears that will save his brother, he slashes the ground
pulling them into his hand he pulled himself up and throws the tears onto
him burning him into his face, the fire raging and Ivan racing to find
something to let his brother free.
Finally he finds a box of matches it was so tiny but that tiny box can
save thousands of children's lives he opened it slowly making sure not drop to them
, but there was only one how could one match free that many lives from the cage of
coldness, Ivan breathed in an icy breath and lit the match the flame
spoke almost if it was saying freedom, he through it at the huge ice cage
it spun in the air like a million fireflies and landed on his brother.
Stumbling he goes to get a cup and pours the water
once on him when he was breathing again he yanked him
from the cage and hugged him with all his might and whispered
in his ear come on we need to save the others all of the others,
they ran to the village the snow slowing down not able to keep up
with them, the run faster and faster like lightning to get to the village
, they needed to find help they sprint and sprint around trying to find
someone anyone the run back with the others but Starjik wasn't there but they
knew he would come back but now all the wanted to do was sleep they could finally sleep.
Please comment on what you want me to improve on.
What was your Favourite part?
What do you think I could be better at?
What are your favourite type's of story to write?
Good Bye, and I hope you enjoyed my blog post, tangi pai!
- Maddison from YMS.