This blog is a little late because you know first week back at school and the teachers made a little bit of a mistake. But we all have those days!
This blog will be about Homophones! Do you know what a homophone is? If so then keep reading anyway if not then let me teach you something!
I have created a small DlO explaining what a homophone is and some examples of the most common mistakes that people make with homophones. Like Their, There and They're.
We had to go through a workbook teaching us about Synonyms Antonyms
Homonyms Homophones. I choses to share with you about Homophones as you can see.
But if you don't know what some of the other options are these are some of their meanings.
Synonyms are a better word for something with a better impact e.g Look and Gaze.
Antonyms are the opposite of a word, e.g Happy and Sad.
Homonyms are a word that is spelt and said the same way but mean different things e.g die as in stop living and die the cube used in bored games.
I have learnt a lot of things with these workbooks and now know and understand what a Homonym and a Homophone is and can now teach others.
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